Every once in a while a dead squirrel will appear on the roadway in good enough shape to make a meal for a fox. And it happened this week, and so raw squirrel was a featured delicacy on the midnight menu.
That black thing is a squirrel carcass. Foxes love 'em. But unfortunately, feral cats do too, and the cat got there first. I'll call this one Calico #2.
Finally Old Crooked Tail arrives on the scene -- too late for supper. The food is usually on the ground about the same time each night, but those ravenous feral cats have figured it out and get there first. The fox gets lucky often enough to keep coming back, fortunately for us.
Do female foxes spray their dining rooms? That appears to be what's happening here.
Here she is giving us a nice side view and then the back view. For the longest time I thought the tail went straight down, but as you can see in the photos, it curves around, then down.
Well, that's it for this week's Fox Friday. I hope you enjoy seeing these creatures as much as I do.