WattsUpWithThat.com tells us that the National Weather Service has adjusted its sliding scale so that the nice cool blues and greens on the weather map represent much colder temperatures than the used to. And now the comfortable range between 70F and 80F is yellow and red.
Check out WattsUpWithThat.com for a display of maps and legends from 2008 and 2014 for striking comparisons.
The one above tells the story very succinctly. Notice that the color bar is the same for both years, but the temperature range changes so that the ranges most comfortable to us changed from blue/green to yellow/red.
Looks pretty sneaky, especially when the government is using global warming fears to rally an element of the Democrat constituency. We've seen so many other government agencies used as weapons against political opponents, so it shouldn't be surprising that NOAA has succumbed to pressure to help the party.
However, Mr. Watts explained that the shift wasn't sinister at all but merely a computer caused adjustment because one temperature station during the recording period registered a 110F temperature. Well, OK, that's a plausible explanation. But it is awfully convenient.