There's a very interesting map found at this link naming the most common language spoken in each of the states other than English. Spanish is a good bet for the second most common language. But there are a few exceptions.
Those of us in the South would have accurately guessed French as the second language in Louisiana. But it's also second in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. It must be the Canadian influence. The second language in North Dakota is German.
Moving on down the maps at the link we get to one where they've removed English and Spanish. So it's basically the third language except for those five that didn't have Spanish as the second language. And that's where it gets interesting. For example, who would have guessed that Vietnamese would get third place in Texas and Oklahoma? Or Chinese in New York, Russian in Oregon, or Arabic in Michigan?
It's worth a look if this sort of thing interests you. These remarkable maps probably came to our attention by way of Newmark's Door, or if not, some other interesting site.
Chúc một ngày vui vẻ. (Have a nice day.)