It was three weeks ago. Joan Rivers responded to some reporter's question about whether the country was ready for a gay president with a remark that we already had one. Barack Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is transgender. See the video here.
First there was the expected outrage, but it died quickly as soon as the grievance squad stopped to think about it. After all, what exactly is wrong with calling someone gay? Gay and transgender are categories protected with great zeal by the PC police. It can't be an insult to identify someone with a politically powerful group. They were reduced to whining about the use of the word "tranny." Yawn.
But the best part is that Joan Rivers didn't apologize. According to the above linked article she explained that it was a joke and moved on. Contrast that with the groveling Steve Martin did recently after some joke about ethnic spelling. The poor lefty, always having to walk that tight rope between humorous observation and perceived racist remark.
Gay, transgender -- not that there's anything wrong with that. Keep on trucking Joan. May we all be as productive when we're 81.