This is from that letter Rick Perry tried to give to President Obama two years ago:
In the first six months of this fiscal year, reports indicate more than 5,200 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border illegally into the United States, with more than 1,300 arriving in March alone. This represents an increase of more than 90 percent over the same period last year. ...
These unaccompanied illegal minors should be cared for in their home countries, rather than burdening our already unsustainable entitlement systems. Projections indicate the number of illegal crossings will continue to increase. With no long-term plan to address this situation, the federal government is simply ignoring the fiscal, health and social interests of our own citizens. ...
Every child allowed to remain encourages hundreds more to attempt the journey. Our country can no longer provide the temptation for these unaccompanied minors to engage in this tragic and illegal migration. To end it, the federal government must stop new arrivals at the border, repatriate those already here and prevent and discourage others.
[Bold added.]
This comes to us from David Nakamura in the Washington Post via Ricochet.
The situation was obvious to the governor two years ago, and just as he predicted, allowing the kids to stay in the U.S. encouraged others to do the same. So either President Obama and the rest in his administration deliberately refused to think about it or they knew it was coming and declined to stop it.
The only thing they couldn't predict was the moment it would become a national news story. Now the politician in chief has to spin this crisis in a way that demeans Republicans. Expect heart wrenching stories about the poor little tykes who trekked all the way to the U.S. border to escape horrid conditions at home. Democrats will have the opportunity to display their warmth -- never mind the cost or consequences. And anyone wanting to send them home will be the heartless slob too selfish to share the bounty he's accrued off the backs of the poor.