The Koch brothers currently hold the top spot for Bogey Men for Democrats. And that means they probably have something worthwhile to offer. Here's an example. In Charles Koch: How to really turn the economy around Charles Koch lays out some steps to get the US economy going again.
Here's the short form:
1st: Encourage the type of businesses that earn profits by creating value for customers not corporate cronyism.
2nd: Eliminate the hiring restrictions caused by Obamacare.
3rd: Teach kids the value of work.
4th: Eliminate government programs that create incentives not to work.
Here's Koch:
Our government's decades-long, top-down approach to job creation has failed. Its policies have made our problems worse, leaving tens of millions chronically un- or underemployed, millions of whom have given up ever finding meaningful work. In doing so, our government has not only thwarted real job creation, it also has reduced the supply and quality of goods and services that make people's lives better and undermined the culture required to sustain a free society.
If we believe the government numbers, the recession ended in 2009, and everything is just peachy. But we know better. What improvements there have been have occurred in spite of the government, not because of it. Charles Koch has some good suggestions, but it requires that government get out of the way. It's little wonder that Koch brothers are the Democrat's bogey men.