Have we reached the tipping point at which a majority of the electorate wants to raid the treasury? Or is there still enough of a can-do streak in us that we would rather make it on our own?
The government certainly isn't making it easy for that latter group, and one obvious example is the growth of part time jobs due to government policies that discourages the hiring of full time workers. We were warned of this before Obamacare became the law of the land, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Ellyn Terry of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta points out that full time employment fell during the recession while part time employment rose. "Today, there are about 12 percent more people working part-time than before the recession and about 2 percent fewer people working full-time hours," she says. However, that disparity isn't likely to change soon. Why? “Full-time employee compensation costs have increased relative to those of part time employees.” Thanks, Obamacare.
(Link via James Pethokoukis.)
Are we helpless to do anything about this? About all we can hope for is that Obama's hand picked successor or her rival in the Democrat Party don't take over the White House in 2017. Then maybe, just maybe, there will be an opportunity to repeal Obamacare and put in place a few simple fixes to eliminate the insurance caps and get insurance for those uninsured who actually want insurance. After all, those two problems were allegedly the reasons for upending the entire American health care system.