There's a small effort underway to get Ben Carson to run for the Republican nomination for president. He would probably be a good president. But the Republican establishment is a tough nut to crack. Besides, a primary win requires a lot of people doing legwork on the ground, and without that a candidate, even the perfect candidate, doesn't have a chance. See Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson.
Then there's the Democrat attack machine and their war-on-women canard. Ben Carson was close to falling into a trap the other day with remarks about Ray Rice. See Ben Carson Defends Ray Rice: Don’t Start ‘Demonizing This Guy’.
If you read that short article you would see that he wasn't defending Ray Rice. He was merely saying that both Rice and his girlfriend need help -- a valid point. But never mind. Once Democrats and their media enablers get their hands on stuff like that he'll end up portrayed as waging his own personal war on woman. Too bad. He has a lot to offer the country.