writer Kevin D. Williamson doesn't mince words. He thinks modern day liberalism wants to silence dissenters with the threat of prison. First, see The Liberal Gulag where he says this:
The Left is calling on people to be prosecuted for speaking their minds regarding their beliefs on an important public-policy question that is, as a political matter, the subject of hot dispute. That is the stuff of Soviet repression.
But then Soviet-style repression has long been a dream of the American Left. Consider the abuses of psychiatry that were the great hallmark of the Soviet way, and then consider that there is a cottage industry today among left-wing psychiatrists arguing that conservative political views represent a form of mental disorder.
Next see the followup article, The Liberal Gulag, Again where he provides more examples of the liberal left betraying the beliefs of those who believe in freedom from repression. To wit:
As in the case of Mr. Weinstein, I am open to the argument that in a sane world Mr. Kennedy would not be taken seriously, inasmuch as he is a witless pile of ground chuck molded into the shape of a politician, but we do not live in a sane world. We live in this world, one in which Senate Democrats are working feverishly to repeal the First Amendment while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gleefully contemplates the prospect of building prison camps for political dissidents.
That is what you are voting for when you vote Democratic. If you are uncomfortable with that, then you should reconsider your affiliations. If you are not uncomfortable with that, then you have failed as a human being, but you should at least have the courage of your convictions and be as forthright as possible that you want to imprison people for thought crimes and political disagreement.
Mr. Williamson uses the word "liberal" when referring to lefties. However, lefties have moved on to "progressive," probably because they like the sound of it better. That's just as well because their present day beliefs are very much at odds with classical liberalism.