The Obama admin was in a big rush to copy European mandatory health insurance programs, but apparently it wasn't as easy as it looked.
Switzerland is supposed to have a system on which Obamacare was modeled. It requires that each resident purchase medical care insurance from one of 61 companies. Source. That's a lot of choices, much more than in the U.S.
Anyway, just like everywhere else, their medical prices are going up. So along came some geniuses who proposed a government takeover. But unlike in the U.S., the citizens got to vote on it. They voted it down. See Swiss reject switch from private to state health insurance. Here are some select quotes from that article.
Geneva (AFP) - Swiss voters on Sunday rejected a plan for a seismic shift from the country's all-private health insurance system to a state-run scheme.
Referendum results showed that almost 62 percent of voters had shot down a reform pushed by left-leaning parties which say the current private system is busting the budgets of ordinary residents.
This next part is interesting:
The results also underlined the national divisions over the hotly-contested issue as the country's German-speaking regions voted against the plan, while their French-speaking counterparts were in favour.
Maybe they saw how Medicare or the Veterans Administration are working in the U.S.