This title, President Obama Didn’t Tell The Whole Story About Cuba, by Mike Gonzalez, invites all sorts of speculation. I was half expecting to see a theory about how the Castro brothers were threatening to import missiles from Russia if the U.S. didn't relax the embargo. It's a shame that the dishonesty of the Obama presidency encourages that sort of thinking. On the other hand, Obama would probably be OK with the missiles.
But no. Mr. Gonzalez explains that Obama is merely delivering on his long list of major transformations he promised in his campaign. And he does a great job of fact checking Obama's stated reasons. Check it out.
But there's another reason. Obama knows that the best way to win favor for Democrats is to make popular Republicans look like a bunch of angry lunatics. If he does something outlandish enough he's bound to push the buttons on some Republicans. Here's Dana Milbank making the case for that theory in Marco Rubio’s fury over the Cuba shift shows why Obama made the right move.
Democrats will vote against America's interests in order to punish people who aren't cool.
The lesson for conservatives, I guess, is if you can't be cool, at least stick to your principles.