Andrew Stiles article Hillary Clinton Is George Costanza makes some good points. But comparing Hillary with Constanza is somehow off just a bit.
George Costanza was the character played by Jason Alexander in the "Seinfeld" TV series. The reruns of the series are continual, so they're hard to miss. The Costanza character was a good one, and Alexander's portrayal of him was superb. Alexander may have been the best actor on that series.
Costanza's main objective throughout the series was to get laid. That wasn't easy for a bald guy with no money, no job, and who lived with his parents. But he did it. And when he did get into a relationship, his new goal became getting out of it.
Actually, Bill Clinton would make a better comparison with George Costanza. They both wanted desperately to get laid. And once they scored, they became weasels to get out of the trouble it caused.
Clinton: "I did not have sex with that woman ...".
Costanza: "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell ya I gotta plead ignorance... ."
Hillary is better compared with Izzy Mandlebaum, the egotistical, over the hill athlete who was in complete denial about any infirmity.
Or maybe Hillary is more like Newman -- government employee, self centered, uncaring, conniving, vindictive. Yeah, Newman's more her speed.