According to The Telegraph, Saudi Arabia is building a 600 mile fence/ditch combination on the border with Iraq. See Revealed: Saudi Arabia's 'Great Wall' to keep out Isil. The diagrams on display at the link make it look like a formidable barrier.
With the drop in the price of a barrel of oil it will be interesting to see if they follow through with this, as it's bound to be expensive.
Meanwhile, back in the USA, a border fence is so politically incorrect Congress is scaling back to 27 miles its own border fence plan.
Building a fence to protect our southern border is kinda like securing your front door with a rubber band.
We have satellites, drones, and boatloads (literally!) of military hardware and trained personnel easing back from the Mideast. Why not redeploy our armed forces' brains & brawn - we've already paid for the resources so why not use them? And there's no need to continue putting border patrol lives at risk when we have technology to tackle problems from a safe distance.
Posted by: Rob O. | January 24, 2015 at 09:00 AM
Not a bad idea, Rob O.
Posted by: Geo | January 24, 2015 at 01:36 PM