The lefty agenda seems to be to get the U.S. as close to socialism as possible before they get voted out of office. That desire is so strong that everything else is a distraction, like that Charlie Hebdo thing.
President Obama snubbed the free world leaders' anti-terror demonstration in Paris, not because the president needed to see that football game on TV, but because he is reluctant to criticize the radical wing of the Islamic religion. That's just a guess, but better observers than I have made some well educated deductions about that. And the most obvious conclusion, based not only on the many examples, but on Obama's own autobiography, is that Obama is so smitten with the Muslim religion that he can't bring himself to criticize anything a Muslim does to protect the honor of Muhammad.
He wants to distance himself from the violence by claiming the terrorists aren't really Islamic by banning certain phrases, "radical Islam," for example.
But it's hard to ignore that famous line in his speech at the UN: "The future most not belong to those who would slander the profit of Islam" in which he appeared sympathetic with what the administration contended was the motive of the gang of Islamists who murdered the American Ambassador and others in Benghazi.
So back to the point. Is any of this enough to turn off the pack of voters who put Obama in the White house twice? Nah. A promise of free stuff will prevail every time.