Cats, cats, cats. What do ya do?
I put out chicken drumsticks to lure the urban foxes into the space where the trail cam will snap their photos. And each morning the camera has hundreds of photos on the card, but only about 2% of them show a fox. Four cats, some domestic and some feral, dominate the feeding station. If all I'm doing is feeding cats I may start putting out dry food to wean them off the chicken. If they hang around to eat the dry food then at least I'll know whether I've inadvertently made them dependent on my handouts.
Anyway, the week wasn't a total loss. Let's see some foxes.
This was Tuesday night.
Old Crooked Tail tried to stare down the cat. And it worked. It appeared as if the fox actually got a bite to eat that night. That cat is the smallest of the four cats, and while she doesn't give ground when she's got the drumstick, she doesn't try to steal it when the fox gets her mouth on it.
This was early this morning. Old Crooked Tail and Yellow Cat interact again. The fox backed off, but by this time most of the food had already been consumed.
Now let's see how they do with dry dog food. See ya next Fox Friday!