Welcome to Fox Friday, a weekly display of urban fox photos from the Bone Yard located in the heart of Midland, Texas.
Area cats have been a real hindrance to this project. The objective is to attract urban foxes with raw chicken to get their photos. Unfortunately, cats dominate the scene so that in one overnight session the trail cam might get a thousand photos with only 10 or 20 of them showing the foxes. Currently there are three cats, and most of the time they get the food first. There's probably a little old lady somewhere worrying about little Buffy, Fluffy, and Huffy not eating their kibbles but somehow getting fat anyway. If only these cats would stay indoors where they belong.
Since I've complained so much about the cats, you may as well see what they look like.
The series above shows Number Two stalking Yellow, then stealing the drumstick. (Number Two is named after Dante's second sin -- Gluttony.)
To try to thwart the cats I added a second feeding in the early AM.
It worked. The fox looks, finds it, then she's off with it.
On rare occasion there's some interaction between the foxes and cats, but not this night.
Here we see Old Crooked Tail doing a drive-by with her lights on bright while Yellow Cat guards the food she has stolen for herself.
Cat fight!
Black and Yellow fighting. I hope they both lose.
Let's finish on a happy note.
Fox grabs a bite while Junior watches from the shadows. Then one of them surveys the scene.
That's it for this Fox Friday. See ya next time.