I watched a part of Obama's presser last night on Fox News and heard him say that the problems with Cuba occurred before he was born. So it doesn't matter. He's made it clear that his knowledge of history is probably "C." And that's with grade inflation.
It makes me wonder what John F. Kennedy would say. JFK was an ardent anti-communist, and he was very much anti-Castro to boot. But his thinking then is out of step with the current Democrat Party line, at least according to Obama. Now communism is the game, and Obama is ready to play.
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, must have taught him well in his formative years. Bill Ayers took over at a later point in Obama's life. Heck, Ayers wrote the book on Obama.
But aside from sticking it to "the man," a satisfying moment for some, communism would be no better for the U.S. than is has been for Cuba, Venezuela, or any other country where it's been tried. Surely American voters are smart enough to figure that out, even if they don't know history.