We've all seen those poignant posters on utility poles asking for help locating a lost dog. And most of us have probably cruised the streets at one time or another trying to help someone find a lost dog.
There's an online company that has figured out a way to jump the gap from the sign on the pole to an actual phone call. It's findtoto.com. I learned about this first hand around Christmastime last year when a robocall came into my landline asking me to be on the lookout for an orange and white Brittany. I drove around for a while looking, but the dog was not to be seen.
A few days later I phoned the number of the dog owner to ask how it went. She said she began receiving calls immediately after the robocalls went out. And the dog was back home within four hours. Not bad.
At the time I went through the online questionnaire for a hypothetical lost pet, and the service quoted a fee of around $300 for a robocall to each landline in my zip code. However, anyone wondering about current pricing should contact the company.