Instead of ridiculing the people you perceive as your intellectual inferior, e.g., those who were concerned about the feds conducting military ops in rural Texas, how about explaining to us why you trust the government so much.
This is about the knee jerk progressives' reaction to Texas Governor Abbott's order to the State Guard to monitor the federal government's planned Jade Helm 15 operation on Texas soil. See press release and letter.
Of course progressives are going to seize on that to criticize Texans. They'll seize on any thing. It's all partisan politics. For an example, see the opinion piece snapped from this morning's Midland Reporter-Telegram on the right.
The question we should ask is why these people who want to influence our opinion think we can trust them much less the federal government.
There was Fast and Furious, the program through which Eric Holder's DOJ funneled American made assault rifles to killers in Mexico then refused to turn over records about it. There was the Lois Lerner IRS assault on conservatives and the destroyed hard drives. There was the terrorist attack at Benghazi with subsequent government cover up. There was the Clinton Foundation and the vanishing emails. These are the biggies that just about everyone has heard about.
So, main stream media, please explain to us why you think these things should not influence our trust in government. I think I know the reason. It isn't that you trust the government so much, it's that you think you are immune from government action and therefore have nothing to fear yourself. Other peoples' fears might seem trivial until it happens to you.