Bobby Jindal is very politically incorrect. His sin against progressivism is that he became Americanized. He assimilated like millions of children of immigrants did before him. He did what we want immigrants and their families to do. But that's a problem for the party for whom identity politics is everything. See Why Bobby Jindal Is Very Problematic.
The msm was in a tizzy recently over Obama's use of the N word. They abhor the word. The thought of accidentally saying it scares the daylights out of them. And if a Republican were to say it there would be hell to pay. But there was Obama saying it, loud and clear. Their world was turned upside down. But they never heard of Lenny Bruce. See Obama Learned The Truth From Lenny Bruce About The N-Word.
We've talked about Australian gun control on these pages before, but here's a refresher from Varad Mehta. The elected body in Australia had a gun control knee jerk reaction to a mass shooting years ago. And they implemented a mandatory buy-back program which took about a million weapons out of the hands of citizens. However, that was somewhere between 1/5th and 1/3rd of the guns out there. You've heard the phrase, "Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns." Australia made outlaws out of a lot of formerly law abiding citizens. See The Australia Gun Control Fallacy.