There was a time when a simple question on a form asking what's your sex had two choices, male or female. I'm so old I can remember a time when the thought of a third option -- "Other" -- would have consumed an entire Johnny Carson monologue.
Not now. For one, the word "sex" is a verb, and your sex classification is now "gender." But that's old news. See California college will now ask students to pick from 6 genders. Excerpt:
The new form will ask students to pick one gender from six different choices. Prospective students will be asked to choose between male, female, trans male, trans female, gender queer/gender non-conforming and different identity.
What I wonder is this: If you change your mind, can you change your selection or are you stuck with the first choice? That would be important to an applicant tempted to fudge on the form to gain an edge on acceptance to the school.
Meanwhile, I'm nostalgic for "Other."