We can hope. However, several smart observers say it won't end with Confederate flag. See D.C. McAllister's Why White People Will Always Be Racists. Excerpt:
The Confederate flag controversy has never been about being sensitive to minorities in the aftermath of the drive mass murder in South Carolina. It has been about stigma and the Democratic Party using it to delegitimize anyone who doesn’t bend to its will. Steele explains that if an individual or institution in America is stigmatized as racist, then they are delegitimized. They lose all power and authority and influence. They are marginalized and ostracized. When that happens, they can be easily defeated or manipulated. ...
As Tom Nichols writes at The Federalist about totalitarians like Clinton, “They are not really trying to capture something as pedestrian as political equality, nor are they satisfied if they get it. They are not really seeking a win in the courts, or a legal solution, or a negotiated settlement. Those are all just merit badges to be collected along the way to a more important goal: what they really want, and what they in fact demand, is that you agree with them. They want you to believe.”
Or see Johah Goldberg's You Can’t Compromise with Culture Warriors. Excerpt:
Social justice – forever ill-defined so as to maximize the power of its champions – has become not just an industry but also a permanent psychological orientation among journalists, lawyers, educators, and other members of the new class of eternal reformers. By no means are social-justice warriors always wrong. But they are untrustworthy, because they aren’t driven by a philosophy so much as an insatiable appetite that cannot take yes for an answer. No cookie will ever satisfy them. Our politics will only get uglier, as those who resist this agenda realize that compromise is just another word for appeasement.
They both make good points. We've seen the way the pro-abortion groups will not give an inch on any proposed change, even if the change would make abortions safer. Perhaps conservatives should learn from their tactics.
Speaking of abortions, it's ironic that they somehow escaped the wrath of the social justice warriors. Unborn babies don't get any justice, so there's definitely a selective process going on. Just as there's a selectivity with an abortion decision, the SJWs are selective in choosing who the mob should stigmatize.