After the deaths of Travon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddy Gray we saw countless videos of people rioting and looting. Seemingly rational explanations for each of those deaths didn't seem to matter to the rioters. They were hell bent on rioting, presumably to vent their frustrations against a system they thought was against them.
President Obama even got in on the action by egging on the rioters and proclaiming that everyone else should be searching their souls for a way to calm the angry beast.
Ironically, Obama went mute when Kathryn Steinle was murdered.
The phrase silent majority cropped up decades ago to identify all those people who chose not to speak up and subject themselves to harassment from the left. And the phrase is particularly apt these days when social media can whip up a mob in no time flat.
So when someone like Donald Trump comes along and articulates the ways that the system is against them, he gets their attention. The msm love ridiculing him. And Trump is eating it up.
Trump obviously hit a nerve with his talk about illegal immigrants. The noisy mobs spew their vitriol. But the silent majority is grateful someone is articulating their concerns. Maybe this is that national conversation the lefty politicos kept saying they want while trying to shut up the opposition.
This is how white people riot. The Tea Parties were silenced, and the majority became the silent majority. The riot manifests itself at the ballot box.