One doesn't have to look far in the media these day to see a celebration of the ten year anniversary of the hurricane Katrina. Is it going to far to say that hurricane was some sort of Democrat party high water mark?
Those of us with Democrat friends had to endure countless taunts about incompetence coupled with meaness directed at anyone who tried to defend the Bush administration. It should have been obvious to anyone that the incompetence was on the state and local level. The blame rests on Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin. But that point got lost in the shuffle of horror stories from New Orleans and the rage that developed among cable news watchers.
So it's nice to see this article from former FEMA director Michael Brown: Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina in which he laid out the facts about the events leading up to the hurricane landfall, how Blanco and Nagin declined to do the things necessary to head off a disaster, and how Brown got the blame. There's much more there, so read the whole thing if you don't have too much emotion invested in the media narrative.
Never let a crisis go to waste, indeed. But it certainly didn't hurt Democrats to have a media willing to help them score a big win.