It was a question many of us have wanted to ask when we kept hearing about those 90 million Americans not working and not counted in the work force. We've also heard that the number of people drawing disability payments has jumped, so the obvious conclusion was that many of them managed to convince an adjudicator that they were disabled, whether they really were or not.
The answer appears in a article titled Where people leaving the labor force are going.
Turns out that the number of ill and disabled was about 6.5 million in 2014 which is only a million more than in 2004. Those number are similar to the number of students with 6.4 million in 2014 compared with 5.0 million in 2004.
But the big jump was in the number of retired individuals with 15.4 million in 2014 compared with 13.9 million in 2004. The old folks are getting out of the way for the young'uns. Unfortunately, even with those departures too often there aren't enough jobs for the youngsters.
Anyway, the charts accompanying the article make it all very clear.