You can imagine Hillary saying it, "I'm not going in there as long as she is in there."
The "she" was Lis Smith, according to Dailymail, "the deputy campaign manager for former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley," and "girlfriend of former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer."
If this is correct, Hillary Clinton was late returning to the Saturday night debate because she refused to go into a public restroom during the break because the aforementioned Lis Smith was in there already.
It sure seems like Hillary has been enjoying the perks of power way too long. The progressive media didn't care, though. But imagine the outcry if instead of Clinton refusing to share it had been Carly Fiorina. Whoa boy! That would have made headlines for a week.
P.S. With two former governors in her black book, Lis Smith certainly must enjoy cozying up to power. Next thing you know, she had Hillary waiting in line to use the loo. Smith has a power of her own -- she just had to get there first.