Map making used to be a profession that employed a lot of talented people in the energy exploration business. Maybe it still is, but a computer has probably replaced the drafting table, and technology has probably replaced the tools and labor involved in the practice.
In any event, there are probably some cartographers in town who could accomplish what someone did in Austin. Seems that some poor Austin city employee used an unauthorized map in a presentation and got put on admin leave for the effort. See Tolerant Austin, TX will not tolerate being made fun of. Check it out:
Midland needs a map like that -- a city map with labels that describe the people in those neighborhoods. After all, there's a universal tendency of people to congregate in communities and neighborhoods comprised of people like them. But forget ethnic labels -- that's so last century, and it's not worth the aggravation.
For starters, here are a few suggestions for neighborhood labels:
Old money
Wannabe ranchers
Cowboy boot camp
Industry bosses
Jet Rink land
The help
Roughneck country
Cookie cutters
Smart houses -- (smarter than the owners?)
Oil company camp town
Paid too much
Tomorrow land -- (the hanger where the Xcor mockup is stored)
Surely there is a draftsman who can produce something accurate enough to get a laugh. We'll show Austin how to take a joke.