Samuel Jackson wants us to do something with credit cards. Get one, charge more, buy more on credit. William Devane wants us to prep for financial breakdown by buying commodities. One wants to know what's in my wallet. The other wants to know what's in my safe. So go the TV commercials featuring these two.
Interest rates might be going up, due to the Fed's recent hike. Or they might go down due to fear we are heading back into a recession. But in either instance, who needs more credit card debt?
Commodities are in a free fall, and aren't likely to rise during any recession that may be coming. As for a real calamity, such as a blackout from a man-caused electrical grid breakdown, gold and silver may not be worth all that much. Food, water, fuel, medicine and bullets will be in high demand, and those gold coins would be worth only as much as someone wants to discount them for some future value in a better economy.
So both these guys are selling something we don't necessarily need right now. But as long as companies are willing to pay those actors, then more power to them. Best to think of them as mere entertainment. Not as good as the Geico ads, but entertainment nonetheless.