Many have said this before. If Obama really wanted to destroy the United States would he do anything differently? Ben Carson says it too. See Dr. Ben Carson: How to Destroy America, You Do It ‘From Inside’. Excerpt:
Dr. Carson said the first thing you would do to destroy the country would be to drive wedges between people. He said you would do so, not only on racial lines, but also with women, age, religion, and Republicans and Democrats.
Carson said you would bring the country to financial ruin by spending money at “unsustainable levels.” You would also bring people in from other countries and put them on public benefits.
He said you would weaken the military, “gut personnel” and reduce military strength to “historic lows.”
The neurosurgeon called the failure to maintain the electrical grid a vulnerability for cyber attacks, the “next weapon of mass destruction.”
President Obama was fond of complaining of "inheriting" problems caused by the previous president. No. Obama got that wrong. However, the next president will be able to say it with 100% accuracy.