Having only recently discovered how entertaining "Shark Tank" reruns are, it's nice to be able to see them so many times during the normal week.
One recent show featured a lady with the idea of opening a "Cat Cafe." That would be a cafe stocked with live cats where a patron could go for a cup of coffee, a snack, and an opportunity to watch and interact with playful kittens and friendly cats. Nice concept. But it was a concept only at that stage, and the sharks gave her the boot because she didn't already have an establishment in place.
So anyway, I was watching a recent episode of "Elementary," and there was Sherlock going to a cat cafe to quiz someone about a suspect. Wow, they stole her idea! Turns out cat cafes were already operating in Asia, so it wasn't exactly a new idea, just new to the U.S.
But what we really need are dog cafes. Cats are OK, but you have to earn their love. Dogs give it away freely. They're so much fun, too.
Furthermore, there are probably a lot of people out there like me who love dogs but who don't want to own another one. Burying them is an emotionally draining experience one doesn't want to repeat too often. On the other hand, visiting dogs at something like a petting zoo sounds very appealing, especially if the entry fee covered the cup of coffee.