Just saw a rerun of Hillary Clinton answering Scott Pelley's question about whether she will lie to the public. She responded that she would try to be honest. And she sounded very sincere.
I believe her. At that particular moment she was convinced that she would try to be honest. Things change, of course. Should there be another Benghazi type occurrence, she would consider telling the truth. That would be the "try." But if the past is any guide, then if lying is less consequential in the short term, lying it is.
It's as if she has an animated angel on one shoulder admonishing her to tell the truth. But on the other shoulder is a animated devil telling her to lie. Based on what we know of her, the devil will win the day.
PELLEY:You talk about leveling with the American people. Have you always told the truth?
CLINTON:I've always tried to. Always. Always. ... I'm gonna do the best I can to level with the American people.
By golly she tried. Heaven knows she tried.