This morning the TV news shows were all about Chris Rock's attack on show biz people over race. Presumably the issue is that this year there was a sparsity of black nominees for Academy awards.
It brought to mind Denzel Washington's similar complaints of a few years ago. Denzel won an Oscar the next year, but surely that was just a coincidence.
The show business people are probably asking, "Who the hell do we have to give an Oscar to to get these people to shut up." The answer is probably, "More people than you ever thought deserved one."
If there ever was an audience more receptive of the charge of racism it's probably the Hollywood set. They bend over backwards to avoid appearing racist -- just like practically every other white American -- but to them the charge will stick simply because they allow it to.
It will be amusing to us out here in fly-over country to watch them squirm. And inevitably there will be plenty of black nominees next year and more than a few winners. A life in show business is the dream of a lot of folks angling for a way to succeed in a field with a lot of competition. Apparently, that life of luxury of a successful actor isn't quite enough. There has to be an award to validate the celebrity worship they all seek.