Dailycaller.com has Madeleine Albright's full quote regarding female voters' supposed obligation to Hillary Clinton. Here's the kicker:
“Just remember: there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other,” Albright said, much to the joy of Clinton, who is seen laughing at the remark, which she has used numerous times in the past.
There are conservative atheists and progressive atheists, but progressives seem proud to have a lock on the concept. But since hell is a religious artifact, one wonders why progressives even make reference to it. Are they clinging to their bibles in hope of a resurrected Hillary Clinton.
Anyway, let's get to the point which is to explore just what that hell is. Here are some wild guesses, think of Albright as you go over the list. To wit:
hotel rooms with slow room service
the maids are angry feminists serving time in their own hell
food not cooked to order
no pet cats, only dogs
nail polish that never dries
all the women are thin except you
bad hair days every day
old wrinkly looking face
too much weight that can't be shed
nails that won't grow
manicurists that cut too close to the quick
clothes that make you look fat
Hillary has backtracked on the statement, by the way. Maybe she's already living in her own special hell on earth.