President Obama is taking a lot of heat for attending a ball game in Cuba and dancing with a hot South American babe following the terrorists attack in Brussels. Well, he doesn't take Islamic terrorism seriously enough, that's a certainty. So his critics are right on that one.
However, specific attacks are a different matter. The terrorists and their prospective recruits consider terrorist atrocities major victories if they get a lot of publicity. That's the recruiting tool, not Guantanamo or Donald Trump's bombastic proclamations.
The videos on TV of the infidels running for their lives and the televised claims that Islamophobia is worse than terrorism probably do more to recruit adherents than any number of stories of the conditions at Guantanamo.
But ultimately, it's our friends in the media who are doing the dirty work. See ISIS Is Using the Media Against Itself:
The technique is not new. Indeed, modern-day terrorists have long embraced “propaganda of the deed,” a tactic that, in the words of the Australian Army information-operations specialist Jason Logue, involves ”planning and executing operations designed purely for their propaganda appeal.” However, ISIS understands the media like no other organization before it. It knows that, while territory and resources are crucial to the overall success of its aggressive insurgency in Syria and Iraq, the media is the arena within which the war of ideas is waged, where the group’s relevance—and, ultimately, its ideational longevity—can best be preserved and perhaps enhanced, even as it experiences territorial losses.
The title is a little bit misleading. ISIS isn't using the media against itself, ISIS and the media are using each other for their own benefit.
Finally, as if to prove the terrorists have won, we see this headline: Talent agency boss who 'confronted a Muslim woman in London and asked her to explain Brussels' is ARRESTED for 'inciting racial hatred'.