There's an important phenomenon occurring this year that is getting barely a shrug from Democrats. They've complained about money in political campaigns for years. With enough money, anyone could buy an election, and the Citizen United case is a cause celebre. But they ignore evidence to the contrary.
See for example Marco Rubio’s secret (money) legacy. To be fair, their main complaint is that they don't know who donated to Conservative Solutions PAC, what they call Marco Rubio's "super PAC." But the point is still there. Big money is bad, if it goes to opposing opinions.
They're downplaying the fact that Rubio got trounced in the primaries. That big money bought a lot of ads, but the ads didn't bring in the customers. That's a huge hole in the premise that big money unduly influences political campaigns. Sometimes big money goes down that hole.
As to the complaint about unknown donors, the sad case of Brendan Eich at the hands of the liberals at Mozilla serves as a warning to conservatives to keep their donations as secret as possible.