Those us well past college student years are simply stunned by the news that pro Trump sidewalk chalk writings on campuses are causing such hysteria. Here's an example at The Chalking Continues: U. Mich Students Call Police Over ‘Trump 2016’ and ‘Stop Islam’ Messages.
It's hard to be optimistic about the nation, not not because of the politics, but because of the students seem so easily traumatized. But the questions arises, where they when those elementary kids were forced to sing praises to Barack Hussein Obama, Mmm Mmm Mmm*? That was pretty traumatic to the rest of us.
Which is worse, to demonize your political opponents or deify the ones you like? I think the latter is worse because it is more likely to lead to totalitarianism. See The Road to Serfdom for dummies.
*[Editor's Note: You wonder where they were? Those are the same kids! They're just a few years older. Robo-ed].