There are plenty of people who think there's ample reason that Hillary should be prosecuted. But everything these days is political.
And given what we know about human nature and in particular politics as it's practiced today, it's simply inconceivable that A.G. Loretta Lynch would initiate prosecution. Lynch has been very loyal to Obama, and with Hillary cruising toward the Democrat nomination the odds of Obama dealing Hillary a crushing blow this close to the convention seem very remote.
But what if Trump is ultimately elected president? There's a big question mark. After a bruising campaign he may compliment her on her competitiveness and grant a pardon, not tell an Attorney General to prosecute her.
So just like her husband, she may escape paying a price for her misdeeds. That's the world we live in where people get too big to jail.
Her defense seems to stand on three legs: Ignorance of the law, ignorance of the facts, and ignorance of technology. I hate to go there, especially on Mother's Day. But is this get-out-of-jail-free card the famous "woman's card" we keep hearing about?
You've come a long way, baby.