"Unexpectedly," is the word popularized on blogs to categorize an item that surprises no one but the msm. Perhaps it applies here.
The article is in the WaPo titled So, something interesting happens to weed after it’s legal.
I hate to give away the ending, but the "interesting" thing is that the price goes down. But to be fair, the author makes it sound as though he is not the one who is surprised, leading one to believe it was the headline writer with the mouth agape and wide open eyes.
After a transitory rise in the first few months, which Davenport attributes to supply shortages as the system came on line, both retail prices and wholesale prices have plummeted. Davenport said that prices “are now steadily falling at about 2 percent per month. If that trend holds, prices may fall 25 percent each year going forward.”
Extrapolations like that are seldom precise prediction tools, but the point remains: Remove prohibition and the price goes down.