If Dennis Prager is right, this really is scary. The title is The Scariest Reason Trump Won, and after citing a few of the much discussed explanations for Donald Trump's success in the primaries, he provides this sobering assessment:
But the biggest reason is this: The majority of Republicans are not conservative.
Conservatives who opposed Trump kept arguing — indeed provided unassailable proof – that Donald Trump is not a conservative and has never been one. But the argument meant little or nothing to two types of Republicans: the majority of Trump voters who don’t care whether he is a conservative, and the smaller number of Trump voters who are conservative but care about illegal immigration more than all other issues, including Trump’s many and obvious failings.
So, then, what happened to the majority of Republicans? Why aren’t they conservative?
The answer lies in America’s biggest – and scariest – problem: Most Americans no longer know what America stands for. For them, America has become just another country, a place located between Canada and Mexico.
He blames the influence of left-wing ideas in our schools. And he's probably right.
With a whole generation of left leaning voters out there, it's a wonder that even someone calling himself a "Republican" can win an election. But now being a Republican means something different than it did when conservatives thought they dominated the party. The "Rino" and the elephant have become indistinguishable.