Carol Brown has an eyeopening article at See Creeping Sharia in Health Care. Opening paragraph:
Islamic supremacy is arriving in medical settings using stealth means, or what is often referred to as creeping sharia. Common themes include Muslim health care workers refusing to uphold infection control protocols, Muslim medical students refusing to study topics they deem forbidden according to Islamic law, Muslim visitors in hospitals ignoring hygiene guidelines to protect patients, and hospitals bending over backwards (or is it forwards?) to accommodate Muslim demands above and beyond anything done for members of any other religious or demographic group. Also covered are outright acts of violence perpetrated by Muslim men who attack hospital personnel.
And when they don't get their way, they sue.
They've had an easy time in Canada, Britain, and Europe with a welcoming government which happens to be in charge of healthcare. But it's creeping up on us here in the U.S.A. where millions of Muslim immigrants have settled in communities that are barely distinguishable from the communities they left behind.
Call me old fashioned, but the way of life in American is just fine without huge chunks of people believing that their religion is supreme when it bumps up against the Constitution, the rule of law, and common sense healthcare guidelines.