He didn't use those words exactly, but it was close. Express.co.uk tells us about it in ‘Run away as FAR as possible’ Top anti-terror chief offers chilling tip for British attack:
“So let’s be really clear – run as far away as possible and when you can’t run any further, hide, and then call the police because we’ve got the people, the resources, the firearms to deal with it.”
The police chief also called on all Londoners to help fight against terrorism.
Since the police and military are the only ones trusted with legal possession of guns in Britain, those citizens are dependent on them for protection after a terrorist attack commences. Here in the U.S. citizens are told to run, hide and fight, so at least they are given that final option of fighting. Some of those carrying guns might opt to put that choice first. But it's still their choice.
It's a choice for those who are unarmed, too. For nice reflection on the run, hide, fight credo and an encouragement to be strong in the face of danger, see Let’s Roll: Why Standing Up to a Terrorist Is Your Best Self-Defense:
The mindset that we are helpless without weapons is not only self-defeating, but dangerous, and government policy that reinforces this perception is a flawed one. ...
It’s time we stop training to be lambs for the slaughter and have a national conversation about standing up to terrorists—a conversation that, for once, isn’t linked to either arming everyone with guns or to legislatively taking away those same weapons. It’s time to arm ourselves with knowledge about the benefits of action, and with training for such methods of defense and deterrence.
After all, you don’t need to be a Navy SEAL or a SWAT team leader to be a hero. You just need to reflect on the current plan’s flaws and be willing to take a better approach, to stand up together against the evil.
Let’s roll, America!
Being armed when a terror attack commences still seems like the best defensive position to be in.