NFL players who pranced on the field displaying the hand-up-don't-shoot symbol probably didn't win any converts to the Black Lives Matter as the whole thing was based on misinformation anyway. But there they were, and agree or not, Americans supported their right to express themselves.
Along comes Colin Kaepernick sitting out the national anthem with a thumb-in-the-eye type exercise of free speech. His act apparently was intended to convey an ambiguous message along the race lines. But what exactly does he want us to do?
Reparations would be on the table as would 40 acres and a Cadillac. (Did the word "mule" pop into your head? Racist.)
If he or anyone else is serious about helping inner city kids, they need to try to help the kids get a decent education. But there's a pretty big road block which he and they probably don't want to address. It's manned by the teachers' unions and the NAACP.
Silvio Canto, Jr., has an opinion about that. See The NAACP is about teachers' unions, not black children:
Why would the nation's oldest civil rights group deny African-American children a real opportunity to succeed?
My guess is that most of these NAACP leaders send their kids to private schools anyway. In other words, what do they care?
Ah, but here's the real reason:
More importantly, the Democratic Party is owned by the public-sector unions. It's good for the party on election day, but it does not do minority parents any good when they try to educate their kids.
Depressing. Kaepernick, are you paying attention?