It should be easy for Hillary Clinton to beat Donald Trump. If I can figure it out, they figured it out long ago.
Everyone knows he's got thin skin, and it doesn't look like it's very hard to bait him into attacking some seemingly innocent person. The gold star dad, Khizr Khan, got a good jab in at the Democratic National Convention. And Trump's reaction put him in the news for days, and not in a good light.
Mr. Khan had some serious flaws which came to the forefront later, but it was too late. The low information voter got to see a preview of what President Trump would look like on their TV screens for the next four years. And they didn't like what they saw.
A few more of those before the election, and Trump's loyal supporters won't be enough to swing the swing states. And we'll be watching President Clinton prevaricate on our TV screens for the next four years.