Dinesh D'Souza, you may remember him from his 2012 movie, 2016: Obama's America. He's got a new one out now titled Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party which should be just as good -- hopefully better as the one about Obama didn't keep him from winning the vote in 2012.
In any event, D'Souza gave a speech which was broadcast on C-Span2 Saturday morning. (Maybe you can see it at the C-Span's link for it -- my Firefox browser refuses to show the video, but you might have better luck.)
Anyway, he made a point that could be easily checked. He claimed that a few of the elite reviewers at Rottentomatoes.com had given his movie poor ratings but that a huge number of regular people gave it high marks. Sure enough, he's right. Here's a screen shot taken Saturday morning.
The elites gave it 4% whereas the regular people gave it 83%. Quite a contrast. And it certainly does demonstrate the dichotomy a lot of us regular people see. The elites may ultimately win the day, but we've got this one little victory to celebrate.
By the way, if this is a "fact-check" then D'Souza gets an A+.