The best thing Hillary Clinton's campaign has going for it is Donald Trump's propensity to shoot off his mouth and make victims of innocent bystanders. But they are so desperate to get another shot at him they grab at anything. Here's the latest from, Trump's gun comment interpreted as violent threat against Clinton:
Donald Trump created another firestorm when he seemed to suggest violence as a means of preventing Hillary Clinton from nominating judges.
"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks," Trump told a crowd in Wilmington, North Carolina on Tuesdsay [sic]. "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is I don't know."
Whoa whoa! Who actually interpreted Trump's remark as suggesting violence? The Clinton campaign fired a full magazine on that one, but all their bullets were blanks. The idea that a 2nd amendment supporter would be inspired by Trump's remark to commit violence against Hillary Clinton is ludicrous. If anything, Second amendment supporters would be inspired to begin thinking about passive resistance and gun hiding places for the time when the feds try to confiscate citizens' guns.
And they'll be thinking about for whom to vote. E.g., see Concealed-Carry Permit Surge Could Play Decisive Role in These 2016 Battleground States.
Meanwhile, Democrats certainly didn't have much to say about the Orlando murderer's papa attending a Clinton rally. But conservative media jumped on that in a similar partisan fashion. In their defense, camp Hillary can't ban every America hater from their crowds. Her audiences are small enough as it is.
It's partisan politics all the way around with each side hoping some of the mud they throw will stick to their opponent. Unfortunately, when the mud flies, there's a lot of collateral damage.