This photo of the plumber appeared on Fox News this morning, and Mike Rowe was cited as having given it legs, so to speak.
The story is that a woman had a water leak, and to fix it the plumber had to get his hands on it. So down he went. The photo is quite compelling.
But what it did for me was remind me why men make more money than women. Oh yeah, there are women out there who would do that, but by and large most of the people who get down and dirty in their work are men. And they get paid for doing it.
Most women, on the other hand, will opt for the clean jobs. Often those jobs don't pay as much, but that doesn't stop many of them from trying to take the aggregate of men's wages, compare them with the aggregate of women's wages, and play the income inequality card.
For Mark J. Perry's comprehensive discussion of why they are wrong, see No surprise here: New study finds gender differences in preferences for higher earnings vs. other job attributes. Here's his intro:
Who-d a Thunk It? Men and women display differences in preferences when it comes to job attributes and career choices?
I think we knew that already, but that’s the main conclusion of some interesting new research that investigates gender differences in preferences for higher monetary earnings versus other non-wage job attributes by estimating how men and women differ in their “willingness-to-pay” with lower earnings for: a) more job security, b) greater workplace hours flexibility, and c) higher future earnings potential. Not surprisingly, women favor job security and more flexible, family-friendly workplaces over earnings, and men place a higher priority on earnings over other job attributes.
Yes, we did know that. But that never stopped the crowd who believes equality trumps everything else. Meanwhile it's a man who is half submerged in a muddy hole.
men do daring repair no women can do... that's why they earn more
Posted by: local plumber chicago | June 03, 2017 at 12:06 PM
Women work harder, that's why.
Posted by: Su Tesisatçısıyım | March 08, 2022 at 07:33 AM