The Midland Independent School District here in Midland, Texas, was celebrated in the morning paper for the decision to hold the tax rate election in October instead of putting it into the November election. Smart move for those wanting the tax hike.
Furthermore, smart people are brought in to encourage teachers to do a better job.
Will the higher taxes and pep talks raise students' dismal test scores? I'm a pessimist when it comes to making the government more productive. Throwing money at the problem generally doesn't result in improvement, but maybe this time it will be different.
Meanwhile, we, the taxpayers, should be allowed to make suggestions that don't get rejected automatically. My suggestion for the next semester is to teach students how to get a photo ID -- a state ID, not just the school ID.
Time and time again federal courts rule that a requirement for a photo ID in order to vote is discriminatory to anyone who isn't white and middle or upper class. So start teaching people how to get the dang ID. Is that too much to ask?