Opposition research for the Trump camp involves digging up trash on those bystanders hit by a Trump insult.
Rudy Giuliani had the best suggestion -- Trump should aim his caustic remarks at Clinton and leave the little skirmishes to surrogates.
The latest headline about a Trump battle is with the Sharia lawyer whose son was killed in Iraq. We all have sympathies with the gold star moms and pops. But the ones who showed up at the Democratic National Convention were awarded a sacred honor by the left leaning msm.
It's up to a clean-up crew to try to mop up the carnage Trump left on the floor. Think of Mr. Wolf in the movie "Pulp Fiction."
For example, here's Thomas Lifson with Khizr Khan’s writings discovered subordinating US Constitution to Sharia law in which he shows that Mr. Khan isn't exactly the full throated American he pretended to be.
In any event, between now and the election the mop-up crew will be busy. Will they be successful? If they are, then they will likely have a busy next four years as recent history shows us that Trump leaves a pretty big wake of hurt feelings and appalled journalists.