It wouldn't sink them, but it would send them scurrying back to port.
It seems the whole world is thumbing their noses at the U.S. If it isn't some South African swimmer mocking Michael Phelps or Russian jets buzzing Navy ships, it's Iranian speed boats getting too close. And dog gone it, we just don't know why they do it.
Reports say the U.S. fired warning shots. Other reports said the Navy fired flares -- not an especially frightening warning when they knew our guys were helpless under the rules of a spineless president.
OK, so you don't want to sink an Iranian vessel, and it's obvious they can't be bought off. Here's what you do. Put a sniper in a good spot on the Navy ship. Arm him with a .50 caliber rifle. And if the Iranian boat gets too close, put a few bullets in its hull along the water line. Now those are warning shots.