A prominent blogger recently pointed out how the msm does this. The headlines, instead of noting what some Democrat has done, are framed to highlight Republicans' reactions. Once one becomes aware of the practice, it seems to appear everywhere.
This example from AP was in the local morning paper on Monday: Trump supporters struggle to sideline 'birther' issue.
Notice how the headline says it's Trump's supporter who are struggling. There's just a tiny bit of misdirection going on there. The struggle is by Clinton's supporters to keep the issue alive. Trump and his supporters are past it. Clinton and her msm supporters are hanging onto the issue as if it were a branch in a tidal wave.
Many observers are probably tempted to wish that the election was over with. Not me. This is the most exiting election since Ike vs. Adlai. (Flashback: That one may not have been all that exiting, but to a kid exposed to TV for the first time, it was better than a circus.)